How to Incorporate Self-Care into your Daily Routine

By Abby Phillips
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How to Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine

by Abby Phillips

There are six categories of self-care: emotional, physical, social, spiritual, mental, and practical. Are you looking to include these practices in your everyday routine? Look no further. Here are ways to incorporate self-care into your everyday routine.

1. Emotional

Emotional self-care is the practice that aims to improve your emotional health. This allows you to come to terms with your emotions and what they mean. Some examples include: 

  • Writing in a journal.

  • Processing and talking about your emotions.

  • Binge watching a netflix show you have heard about.

  • Learning how to say “No” and not feel bad about it.

2. Physical

Physical self care involves the physical activities you may participate in to improve your wellbeing. Some examples of physical self-care are: 

  • Getting a good night’s rest

  • Get moving and exercise

  • Taking a yoga class.

 3. Social

Social self-care is the activity that encourages positive relationships between you and others that add meaning to your life. Examples include:

  • Having a girls night with friends .

  • Calling your family and catching up.

  • Going on a date night with your significant other.

  4. Spiritual 

Spiritual self-care involves the practices that bring you to perspective with the world. This includes:

  • Getting outdoors and enjoying nature

  • Meditating

  • Attending a religious service

 5. Mental 

Mental self-care involves the activities that clear your mind of any stress or anxiety. Some examples include:

  • Reading the book you haven’t had time to read.

  • Solving a puzzle

  • Unplugging from technology

  • Treating yourself to a spa day 

 6. Practical

Practical self-care are tasks that allow you to prevent yourself from entering into stressful situations. Examples of practical self-care include:

  • Organizing your closet

  • Creating a budget

  • Meal prepping for the week

 Don’t forget to take care of yourself this year. What are your favorite self-care activities? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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