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Science Summer: 5 Activities to do with Elementary School Students
by Aimee Benson
Welcome to our new Science Summer blog series! Over summer break, we’ll be sharing fun resources to engage curious minds! Today we have five activities perfect for elementary school age children.
Chemistry: The Mentos + Soda Fountain
We’ve all heard that mixing Mentos and soda can lead to explosive results. Grab an adult and your safety gear, and explore the effects of carbon dioxide in these soda-powered experiments from the American Chemical Society.
Physics: The Potato Battery
Power can be hidden in some of the most mundane places. This classic experiment uses that most common of root vegetables–the potato–to generate electricity! Have an adult help you round up the supplies for this one, and don’t forget your safety gear. Head to Stem Generation for this fun activity.
Biology: Build a Glow-in-the-Dark Fountain
Bioluminescence is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena–and you can make a stunning fountain at home with the help of sea algae. Before you get started, you’ll need an adult to help you track down some sea algae and the rest of the supplies–be sure to keep them around for the activity too. Gizmodo breaks down this project for you here.
Environmental Science: Clean the Oil Spill
We see the effects of pollution in the world around us every day–this experiment helps kids learn some of the cleaning and restoration techniques used after an oil spill. For an experiment about cleaning, this one can get messy. Be sure to have an adult supervise and take proper safety precautions. Head over to Science Sparks to learn more.
Chemistry: Time for Slime
An experiment that’s still fun long after the learning stops: Slime! What makes slime so weird and wonderful? This experiment from the American Chemical Society walks you through the science of slime–don’t forget your safety goggles and ask an adult to supervise.