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Science Summer: Middle School Science Adventures
by Aimee Benson
Welcome back to science summer, our science-themed blog series! Today we have summer activities perfect for kids in the middle grades!
Astronomy: The Perseid Meteor Showers
Grab your bestie and a tent, find your perfect camping spot with a clear view of the night sky–it’s time to stay up late and watch the Perseid meteor shower! This year, the full moon on August 11th will likely make the Perseids more difficult to see than usual. Your best view will be in the wee hours before dawn on August 12. Not into camping? Any location with a clear, dark view of the night sky will do. Check out these meteor shower viewing tips from
Biology: Extract DNA from an onion
Onions and their layers are used as metaphors for complexity in everything from Peer Gynt to Shrek, but extracting their DNA is a simple project you can do in your own home. In this project, you’ll learn the first steps researchers use for genetic research–isolation and extraction of DNA. This is a multi-day project, and you’ll need adult supervision and safety gear. Find this project at Science Buddies.
Chemistry: Make your own lip balm
Learn about the science behind the beauty with this practical experiment. You’ll need supplies, safety gear, adult supervision, and friends to share with! Find the complete project at Science Buddies.
Have you tried one of these experiments or watched a meteor shower? Let us know all about it in the comments!