Georgia GSE Success in Personal Finance and Economics

Cover Image Georgia GSE Success in Personal Finance and Economics

Georgia GSE Success in Personal Finance and Economics

ISBN: 641174848
  • 25+
Quantity (min 25)

Answer Key

  • Table of Contents
  • Teacher Guide
  • CourseWave Online Testing


Chapter 1: Scarcity
Chapter 2: Economic Systems
Chapter 3: Growing a Mixed Economy
Unit 1 Review
Chapter 4: What Will You Do After High School?
Chapter 5: Rational Decision-Making
Chapter 6: Income, Taxes, and Budgets
Chapter 8: Interest
Chapter 7: Understanding and Using Money
Chapter 9: Different Types of Taxes
Chapter 11: Work and Life Skills
Chapter 10: Credit and Insurance
Chapter 12: Protecting Your Money
Chapter 13: Households and Supply and Demand
Unit 2 Review
Chapter 14: Market Structure
Unit 3 Review
Chapter 15: The Economies of Countries
Chapter 16: Government Policies and the Economy
Unit 4 Review
Chapter 17: International Trade
Unit 5 Review
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